Modern Day Pharisees
May 24, 2023, 3:00 AM

Mark 7:13 You have made the Word of God of no effect through your tradition.


While Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch in Pisidia, they preached the Gospel of Christ to anyone who would listen. The Jews were their first hope for converts and while some Jews did believe the Word of the Gospel and give their hearts to Jesus, the religious leadership fought it tooth and nail. It actually became almost a riot in the streets of Antioch in Pisidia. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spoke against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming. (Acts 13:45)


It is a fact that the Preaching of the Gospel will result in either a revival or a riot; revival in the hearts of those who hear and believe and a riot from those who do not. A couple of weeks ago we had a group of people here to minister at our Sunday afternoon service. These people had all been delivered out of the homosexual lifestyle and their testimonies were powerful. Many in attendance that day were revived in their spirits due to the Power of the Holy Spirit to do this Work. However, we had a small group of people at the entrance to our ministry holding a protest. These people tried to cause a riot, but God did not allow that to happen here on these grounds that have been dedicated to Him and His Kingdom.


The Jews were so steeped in religion, they could not bear to hear that the Messiah had come to set them free from the Law. Rules, regulations, religion, and tradition ruled their lives and raised them into the power positions they held. If they converted to Christianity, they would have to take themselves down off their pedestals and be reduced to being a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. They just couldn’t bring themselves to do this. Pride stood in their way of Salvation and Freedom from the Law. They would rather live in bondage to religion than give up their position in that religion.


Jesus called out the Pharisees for this. You have made the Word of God of no effect through your tradition. (Mark 7:13) The same thing is happening today in the Church. Rules, regulations, rituals, dress codes, and traditions hinder the Work of the Holy Spirit. Denominations have put God in a box and due to their doctrinal beliefs, He is only allowed to do what they say.


My friends, these people are nothing more than modern-day Pharisees. The great Prophet Isaiah said For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8) We can form committees, write by-laws, make rules, and establish traditions all we want but unless these things are in accordance with the Word and Will of God, they are meaningless in the Kingdom of God.


God can do anything. He is supernatural and He wants to do supernatural things (Miracles). However, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and He will not force His way into any church, congregation, or individual. He will, however, go where He is invited and do things that are beyond our scope of understanding. He is God! Cast out the rules, routines, rituals, and traditions and let Him move in your midst. You will not be disappointed.



Get out of His way. He wants to……..….turn the tide…… YOUR life!


Letting God be God,         Doreen