Lay Your Isaac Down
July 8, 2022, 3:00 AM

1 Corinthians 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.


For the past two days in the Morning Message, I have shared with you part of my personal testimony about my grandson, Joseph, and how it compares to the story of Abraham and Isaac. (Read the Morning Messages dated July 6, 2022 and July 7, 2022)


I waited many years for a grandchild. Finally, on December 14, 2003, Joseph was born. He had defeated all odds and the negative words of all the doctors. Born at just 26 weeks gestation, Joseph weighed in at a whopping 4 lbs. 6 oz. He was HUGE! He was so big they had to make a bed for him in the NICU ward at the hospital. All the other premature babies weighed less than two pounds.


Joseph was a wonderful little boy always eager to help and learn. He was a big child; head and shoulders taller than any child his age. When he was three years old I enrolled him at the local Christian School. He was the size of the six-year-old children. I thought he would stop growing and let the other kids catch up but that didn’t happen. He just kept growing and growing, taller and taller. He was as tall as his teacher in the second grade. He was taller than me when he was nine (5’ 2”) and at the age of eleven, he was six feet tall.


Joseph was an overcomer in every sense of the word. One by one, he overcame the obstacles the world put in front of him. It wasn’t easy being so much taller than all the other kids. Adults always expected more from him simply because he was so much bigger. He looked like he was four years older than he actually was.


The Passage of Scripture that God brought to my mind over and over again while Joseph was a child is 1 Corinthians 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. From the beginning, I knew God had BIG plans for Joseph and this Verse proved it out. He was BIG in the natural and one day God would use him in a BIG way in the spiritual.


Once I laid Joseph down and stopped taking control of his spiritual training, God took over, and now at the age of eighteen, Joseph is stepping into the ministry God created him for. It’s been amazing to watch as the Holy Spirit has taught him.


Indeed, Joseph was my Isaac. I can see that so clearly now. We all have an Isaac in our lives and until we lay our Isaac down, we will not see God’s Plan for them.


Lay your Isaac down and God will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


Blessed beyond words,        Doreen