Faith In Christ
April 23, 2024, 3:00 AM

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please Him.


God made a Remedy for sin. His Remedy is the shed Blood of His Son on the Cross of Calvary. There is no other remedy because what Jesus accomplished on the Cross is enough. We don’t need to try to add to it by doing good works, practicing religious rituals, or paying money to the Church. None of those things will gain us victory over sin, the flesh, or the devil.


It is natural to try to fix things that are wrong in our lives. Everyone does it. If something is broken we work to fix it. That works in the natural, but it does not work in the spiritual. Hard work is a good thing but it does not free us from sin. Donating to the Work of God is good and we all should do it, but it will not set us free from the sin in our lives. Why? Because that’s not God’s Plan.


God’s Plan is Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. That was God’s Plan from the beginning and it remains His Plan today. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the ONLY Remedy for sin and all the implications of sin.


Prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, there was no sin. Neither was there sickness, pain, disease, poisonous snakes, irritating bugs, or poisonous plants. None of this existed in the Garden of Eden because it was not contaminated in any way. It was perfect in every way.


Sin is what contaminated and ruined the Garden of Eden. Sin also ruined the lives of Adam and Eve. They were created to live forever in the Garden. God did not create them to suffer sickness and pain. They were not created to die. They were created to live and have dominion over all the animals and live in Peace in the Garden.


Their decision to sin changed everything but God did not stop loving them. He simply separated Himself from them. They could no longer visit with Him in the cool of the day. Sin ruined everything for them and because of their sin, every person born thereafter would be born with the sin nature. We all have it.


But God sent His Son to shed His Blood on the Cross of Calvary as the Remedy for all sin. The Blood of Jesus paid the price for all sin for all time. Everyone who chooses to believe in the Sacrificial Work of Jesus Christ will be Saved. This Salvation will provide for them Victory over death and Victory over the power of the enemy in their lives while they are alive on this earth.


Jesus did not destroy Satan, He disarmed him in the lives of those who believe He did. This is the only faith that matters. Faith in Christ Crucified as the Remedy for sin and the power of the enemy. Without this faith, we have nothing. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. (Hebrews 11:6)



Faith in Christ Crucified will…...….turn the tide…… your life.


Faith in Christ alone,         Doreen